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Topic: Electronic formats and the BLind

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  • Electronic formats and the BLind

    Hi ALl,

    I just heard about this particular game series yesterday, and was immediately intrigued because I'm totally blind, and the number of really deep RPGs we can play unaided is very small. I decided to buy the first DQ book on iBOoks, just to see how it worked out, and was somewhat disappointed to find that i can't for the life of me read dice and creature information. For some reason, that seems to be presented in an alternate font, or perhaps graphically, and is thus inaccessible to me.

    Are the books available in any alternate format? The ebook is certainly convenient, but if they're available in, say, PDF and more readable there I'm happy enough. I'd love the chance to experience the series but it's a little frustrating at the moment.

    Thanks for any input

  • Re: Electronic formats and the BLind

    Hi Zack

    Thanks for joining us. Sorry to hear the problems that you have experienced with accessing the series. Unfortunately, I don't really have a solution. The eBook version was outsourced by my publisher Gollancz, so I had no involvement in its creation. The dice that appear in the book would be symbols - not sure why the creature information doesn't register though.

    I'm afraid there are no audio versions of the book and the books have not been made available as PDFs. I believe that there may be a PDF of Book Four made available as a Kickstarter bonus, but I don't know for certain.

    It must be very frustrating for you to access good RPG content. Certainly this is something I will keep in mind in future.

  • Re: Electronic formats and the BLind


    Thanks for getting back to me. I appreciate the promptness even if the response isn't what I'd hoped to hear

    I work in accessibility as a consultant, so this kind of thing is a passion of mine. That being said, do you have any contacts at the publisher? Ideally, I'd want to ensure this could be fixed for everyone who might want to try these books in future.

    At the moment, the rest of the game material is perfectly readable, including all the information in the rules section. Nevertheless, it's hard to play without access to creature stats If worse comes to worst I'll request a refund from iTunes, but I really hope I don't have to do that.

    Thanks for your consideration.

  • Re: Electronic formats and the BLind

    If you can email me at I can pass on the contact details of my editor at Gollancz. I am doubtful they will be able to make changes (as I don't think the eBooks were even updated with any of my minor patch changes), but I think it is important that these issues are brought to their attention.

    Obviously, DestinyQuest would have been a special case for them, as it is a book with a complex layout, so not sure what challenges that may have raised in the eBook format.

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