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Topic: Book 1 Arc 2 help

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  • Re: Book 1 Arc 2 help

    Solid advice from the T-Man!

    And that also reminds me that I need to update the tavern tinkerer download as the first set of items should be 150g and not 200g (it was changed for the reprint of Legion and I evidently forgot to go back to the download document). I'll get that changed and uploaded sometime this week.

  • Re: Book 1 Arc 2 help

    Updated tavern tinker text has been added to the downloads page.

  • Re: Book 1 Arc 2 help

    Thank you, I could continue to arc 3.

  • Re: Book 1 Arc 2 help

    I'm in a similar situation, but my character is a warrior.

    Speed: 6, Brawn: 10, Armour: 8.

    Special Abilities: Parry, Slam, Vanish, Life Spark, Charm (x2), Sear.

    Money Pouch: 55 gold crowns.

    I'm stuck too in the hard missions of Act 2 (Legion of Shadow).

    I'm not able to defeat any new opponent of this act, neither the next foe of the Arena, and I've not enough gold to buy new equipment.

    Any suggestions? Am I doomed?

    Thanks in any case.

  • Re: Book 1 Arc 2 help

    Legion of Shadow is the most punishing and difficult of all the books in the series (which some people find frustrating, and others find it their favourite - so it's a love and hate one!)

    More so than the other books, you need to choose speed over any other attribute (when you have the chance). As a general rule of thumb you would want to be about 6/7 speed going into the orange quests, but be looking to get your speed up to around 9 for the blue - with the goal of getting around 10 or 11 speed by the end of that act to take on the boss.

    It looks to me like you have chosen a lot of armour items (which is understandable as a warrior), but unfortunately in LoS that means you will fall behind the speed curve. Warrior is definitely the toughest of the paths to play in this book.

    In other books, you won't face the speed problem at all, as it is more smoothly balanced and you can't fall behind. LoS is more difficult is that regard.

    There are potions you can buy - and mushrooms (from New Hope) that may help you win a crucial combat although looking at your stats, I am not sure how far you would be able to progress as your speed is very low.

  • Re: Book 1 Arc 2 help

    Thanks a lot for your answer!

    I realize this by now. I'm afraid that my choose of equipment has been unwise lately. I thought that I could sacrifice more speed in favour of armour than I should, even as a warrior.

    I know already about the mushrooms you say, but there are no potions that can alter you speed in this Act (unlike the Act 1). Can you go back to the vendors of previous Acts? (I ever have assumed that you can't).

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