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2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

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  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow Twitch stream/YouTube series

    Enjoyed watching these.
    I think you picked the optimal path through the first quest to get the great boots and sword so now grab the left hand weapon and the healing ring from the other green quests and you will be strong!
    Going from experience I suggest keeping to a brawn build now and go for a rogue. They have less health but their speed and damage make up for it. Passive abilities are best so I would get as many as you can keep track of

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow Twitch stream/YouTube series

    Probably a bit early to be choosing paths ;) But some sound advice there, in that you want to try and stick with brawn or magic once you are a few quests in and you see what items you have acquired.

    But as Xodo says, you certainly got the pick of the loot from the first quest, so all looking good!

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow Twitch stream/YouTube series

    Episode 2 is uploaded! We fought a scarecrow, a specter and gave Sydney a lifelong fear of turnips.
    Episode 2 "The Lesson of Turnips" -

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow Twitch stream/YouTube series

    I usually go after the Scarecrow first to get the left hand weapon. That first bit of Speed boost is very effective.

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow Twitch stream/YouTube series

    Same here. My preferred strat is -

    Curse of the cornfield
    Best in show
    Scarlet in the woods
    Rat extermination
    Weather wizard
    (first try at the giant)
    Down the well
    BLack book
    Witch hunt
    Stone circle (to try and get the special achievement)
    Troll boss

    Usually works well and I get the special item from Noldor to boost me into act 2

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow Twitch stream/YouTube series

    Episode 3:
    Tonight we tackled the Act 1 orange quests, battled weather elementals and rats... lots of rats. They came in all forms and sizes.
    This stream was a little longer than the previous streams and Sydney seemed to trail off towards the end.
    Episode 3 "Forecast:Lots of Rats"

    Remember we have a contest going on for a set of bookmarks sent to you straight from Michael. Email us at and in the title put "bookmark1" and send your name, address and the suggestion of the name for Sydney's adventurer.

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