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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Damage Tracker

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  • Damage Tracker

    Made a damage tracker that can double as a book mark. Just use 4 glass beads/gems, coins, or anything else that you want to keep track of your, and your enemy's damage!

  • Re: Damage Tracker

    Those bookmark-trackers look beautiful. Thank you for making them. I will definitely use them on my next play-through of the books.

  • Re: Damage Tracker

    This is an awesome idea! Would you explain how it works in more detail please. And how do I print this?

  • Re: Damage Tracker

    For Printing just right-click and Save the image the Print the saved image.

    As for how it works, here's my take. Say your character has 45 Health and is fighting something with 30 Health. On the Hero bookmark, put a couple of dimes (or whatever) on the left 4 and the right 5. For the Enemy put two more dimes (or whatever) on the left 3 and the right 0 then being the combat.

    Say after one exchange the Hero takes 6 points of damage and the Enemy takes 7 damage. For the Hero, move the dime on the left 4 down to the left 3 and move the right dime from 5 up to 9 (the Hero has 39 Health remaining). For the Enemy, move the left dime from 3 to 2 and the right dime from 0 to 3 (the Enemy has 23 Health remaining). As the Hero and Enemy take or heal damage move the dimes as needed to keep track of their Health until the fight ends.

  • Re: Damage Tracker

    Thank you. this is genius!!! I love it, but don't understand one part. What if the enemy has hundreds of health?

  • Re: Damage Tracker

    Print out a second Enemy damage tracker and lay it next to the first one, applying the same method. That should let you fight enemies with up to 9999 Health. If you're fighting something with more Health than that, print out another Enemy marker, etc. Or maybe try something other than fighting whatever it is, because otherwise you'll lose or be rolling dice all day long.

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