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2139 Posts in 319 Topics by 278 members

Topic: The alternative battle for hard level game

Page: 1
  • The alternative battle for hard level game

    In last two books, EOWF and HOF, there is more abilities who we take all over the game. Almost throughout the game we crushed every opponent with lightness. So I started to use a new method in fights with multiple opponents. The complexity consists in: when completed rounds with my selected opponent I roll dice for other opponents. I compare ours attack speed and if they have more result then apply damage to my health. I do this for each opponent.Thus "DM" become quite valuable for battle. The second important thing became "armour". This stat is so underrated and this battle format take it to another level. I mean that the battle is extremely more difficult than the current version. Looking for a mighty challenge - take this!

  • Re: The alternative battle for hard level game

    I think I see what you mean. You're saying that with multiple opponents they ALL attack you, and if their attack speed total is higher than yours you get hit? Interesting. Definitely a way to beef up the difficulty factor!

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