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Moderators: Da Boss

2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Future options...

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  • Re: Future options...

    I'm not normally one for posting but I truly have enjoyed DQ and would hate to see the rest of the story untold. I think I would support whatever option kept the story moving but like many others would prefer a physical book at the end. I wonder if there is a compromise option where we could pay to download content with a view to getting a physical special edition of the book on completion. That would probably be hard to cost I guess since it's impossible to know how long each book will be until completion but conceptually it is a nice way to have your cake and eat it too. I've seen this done in the RPG space after a subscription based small adventure or crowd funded project (though at times they have had to ask for a funding upgrade to cover higher than anticpated printing costs) or there is the increasingly popular print on demand option these days as well (perhaps we could even get a hardback small batch release for us collectors). At any rate please keep it going Michael and let us know how things are going - I think many of us would support whatever option is feasible for you. - small content releases, crowd sourcing - whatever works.

  • Re: Future options...

    Thanks for the support BadApple. I think the best way that people can support the series right now is for them to spread the word, pop reviews up wherever they can and help sell more books. If Book Two and Three pick up good sales, then it grows a stronger case with my publisher to push out another book.

    Come the New Year, I will certainly look at my options and what I can do. For the moment, I am heavily focused on another book - and then finding money (!) to eat and exist. But DQ will not go away, I promise.

  • Re: Future options...

    Definitely a physical book. Happy to buy it ahead of time via crowdfunding, but I'd want to wait for the finished product.

  • Re: Future options...

    I want to suggest a different option. What do you think about the initiative of fans of the series? To collect some money, which is consistent with the Da Boss. This will help to work on the book. Will specify separately what are the benefits to the participants. May be a piece of the book. May be in the form of cards. Many options. Let's write a few posts.

  • Re: Future options...

    If it's a choice between a physical book and a digital book, I much prefer a physical. If it's a choice between a digital book and Nothing, then I want a digital book.

    Digital books are why God invented Kinkos.

  • Re: Future options...

    Take my money!

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