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2119 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Future options...

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  • Future options...

    Quick question, how would you guys feel (in future) to having a book available as a series of pay-for-downloads - maybe 2 or 3 quests per download, building to a complete book. Just an idea... thoughts?

  • Re: Future options...

    I'd do whatever worked for you in terms of getting the series completed.

    Doing quests at a few time could work as in DQ you generally need to progress in a logical way from easy to difficult quests. It would give you less choice about when to fight legendary monsters etc, but not a big thing.

    I prefer a physical book, but if this is the better option logistically and financially, I'd be up for it...

  • Re: Future options...

    I prefer a physical book and i still support the crowdfunding option. I think a lot of fans will pay more to have the saga concluded...

  • Re: Future options...

    I agree with Kurgan. I would much prefer a physical book than a bunch of print outs. Although perhaps you could do some kind of DQ branded folder to keep everything in? Throw in some dice too and I could be won round to the idea

  • Re: Future options...

    Not a bad idea. People are used to episodic content these days so i wouldn't consider downloading sections would be that big a deal. It would depend on cost and how much you would get for your money. Perhaps release an entire act at a time?

  • Re: Future options...

    i prefer physical book. i'm very old school, I dont like digital book and other gadget like this (be slave to a electronical support for reading a book, naaa...). I prefer wait for completed the serie with my others book like figthing fantasy and others.

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