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2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: Simple DQ Dice Roller

Page: 1
  • Simple DQ Dice Roller

    Hello all,

    With my meagre skills, I have created a very simple, online dice roller.
    Not sure if anyone else will find it useful or not, but it's good for those times when you're in a place where rolling real dice isn't very practical.

    It's just a tiny bit of javascript in a webpage, so you could load it up in the web browser on your phone and use it from there (you may have to zoom in a bit first).

    If when you roll, some of the dice don't change, it's simply because you've rolled the same number again!

    If you only need to roll one dice, then you must stick to the top left die! No cheating and picking the best roll out of the four! ha

    Happy rolling.

  • Re: Simple DQ Dice Roller

    The "DQ" logo means "6", right?

  • Re: Simple DQ Dice Roller

    Yeah, that's right.
    I did put a mention on the button at the buttom, but it's a bit tiny!

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