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Moderators: Da Boss

2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Book 4

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  • Book 4


    I just finished DQ2; next one should arrive shortly on the post. Extremely happy about that. HoF's ending was a bit bleak, but I hope the story pays out further along the road.

    Anyway, I was wondering if DQ4 is part of the plan, even if it needs crowdfunding or something. Books can be replayed over and over -lots of roads to explore-, but... you know... can we get MORE???

    Count me in!

    PS: Also, any news regarding HoF and TEWF spanish editions? There's some expectation in our (small but adventurous) gamebook community.

  • Re: Book 4

    I'm glad you are enjoying the books! The short answer to all your questions is - honestly, I have no idea at this point in time. Hopefully, should have news to share (good or bad) soon. To be honest, I think if Spanish editions of Book two and three were going ahead I would have heard by now - so those may be unlikely, but like I said, hopefully I'll have something more concrete to share with you soon.

  • Re: Book 4

    bok 1 was shadow book 2 was fire 3 was ice so i think book 4 will be water, air, or light

  • Re: Book 4

  • Re: Book 4

    Da Boss,

    Sorry to hear the bad news about Book 4 and Gollancz, although your earlier posts had kind of prepared me.

    I understand some of your concerns about Kickstarter, as it does put more responsibility on you. However, I definitely would considerate - you'd only need to get 500 people to put up £30 and you'd be there. That's presumably far less than the previous books have sold. My tip would be to be pessimistic about how long it takes to do stuff to ensure you are properly reimbursed.

    Really hoping you can complete the series - which would mean how many more books?

  • Re: Book 4

    Thanks for the support Rougie. There were three more books planned in the series. I'm not sure what the future holds at the present time. For the moment I am focusing on a new writing project (non-fantasy and non-gamebook related). Once that is out of the way, I will return to DQ and look seriously at my options. One way or another, I'll do my best to complete the series.

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