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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Open-ended?

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  • Open-ended?

    I was wondering if this was a bit like Fabled Lands books where you could take your character into any of the books? Or is it one character per book, standalone type stuff? Thank you for your time and any help!

  • Re: Open-ended?

    Hi Dienekes.

    Each book in the DQ series has its own individual hero character, so they don't transfer across books. However, there are opportunities for a hero in one book to 'team up' with a hero from another book (these encounters are known as 'team battles' and are a bit like end boss 'raids' you might experience in an online rpg) - so you get to re-use your old characters and help new characters to get better gear/equipment etc.

    I hope that helps!

  • Re: Open-ended?

    Sounds interesting, will have to give it a go ;) Thanks!

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