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2119 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Undead missions

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  • Undead missions

    Hi, just a quick line to suggest you write some undead focused DQ. I'm not specially fond of dark & gothic scenarios, but undead themed missions are your best ones, IMO. Just started HoF and found one, quite compelling; the vamoires one in LoS was superb also. I don't know if there will be more coming down the road but maybe a (smaller) Ravenloft-y book could be nice.

    Cheers and congrats on your work, hope it's being a big succes for you.

  • Re: Undead missions

    Sorry, I meant vamPires and succesS.

  • Re: Undead missions

    I do like my undead. Hmm, thinking ahead - there are some more undead enemies coming up in later HoF quests. For Winter's Fury I guess you could say the whole book has a sort of 'undead' theme - but nothing that is purely focused on fighting undead (like 'Bullets over Blight Haven').

    I imagine future books would feature more undead missions, yes.

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