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Topic: New edition of heart of fire?

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  • New edition of heart of fire?

    Hi, I noticed that Book Depository (UK) has a new edition of Heart of Fire listed as out on June 11th ( Is this a new new edition, or just a reprint? Cheers

    I only learned about DQ a couple of days ago and am very excitedly waiting for my copy of Legion of Shadow to arrive, I am a big FF fan and there seems a real buzz about your work, the combat system seems really interesting and I can't wait to read your book!

  • Re: New edition of heart of fire?

    Welcome to the forum!

    Yes, the multiple versions can be a tad confusing. Basically, when each book is published they are first released in a 'large' collector's edition. Then later they are released again in the smaller versions (cheaper, mass market paperbacks).

    The edition you are linking to is the smaller paperback version of HoF, which is out in July. The larger collector's edition is out now.

    On a side note - with the release of the smaller LoS (purple logo), I made some patch changes to make the game easier. So it is slightly different to the larger collector's edition (green logo).

    With Heart of Fire, there won't be any game changes between editions, but some errors did creep into the collector's edition, which will be rectified in the new version out July.

    Hope some of that made sense and hope you enjoy the series!

  • Re: New edition of heart of fire?

    Perfect sense, cheers!

    I got my copy of Legion of Shadow today, just clambered out of the well... phew!
    I'm really enjoying it, I was not sure about the 'no permanent death' aspect but it's not a problem and really helps the flow of the story. Really appreciate the good work you have put in with this project

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