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Topic: Pre orders getting close

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  • Pre orders getting close

    Don't know about the rest of you, but I got an email this morning (afternoon for you in the UK?) that the preorder has been made available by the publisher. Who! Getting close.

    Although, my hope and fear is that I'll get it towards the end of November or beginning of December. I've got enough to distract me right now with NaNoWriMo.

  • Re: Pre orders getting close

    From amazon-

    Michael J. Ward "The Heart of Fire: DestinyQuest Book 2"
    Previous estimated arrival date: November 19 2012
    New estimated arrival date: November 13 2012 - November 15 2012

  • Re: Pre orders getting close

    Hurrah! That's great news!

  • Re: Pre orders getting close

    From amazon-

    Michael J. Ward "The Heart of Fire: DestinyQuest Book 2"
    Previous estimated arrival date: November 19 2012
    New estimated arrival date: November 13 2012 - November 15 2012

    No e-mail from Amazon to me saying anything like that ...mine still says delivery estimate November 17th...and I have Amazon prime!

    I did, however notice that Amazon are now giving a 5-7 week delay for any new orders, so I can only assume that they sold out of their initial allocation, which can only be a good thing for Mike, the publishers, DQ in general, and of course, us, the fans, as it shows everyone concerned how popular Destiny Quest is!!

    Bring on the Hard Back, publishers!!

  • Re: Pre orders getting close

    I got a dispatch confirmation send about an hour ago. It gives Thursday 15 November as the estimated arrival date. I got my order in a few months ago for a hardback and paperback so might explain why I'm getting mine in the first batch.

    Kevin did you check you ordered the paperback?

  • Re: Pre orders getting close

    Lucky you getting your dispatch notice already!!

    Mine still says Not Yet Dispatched (unfortunately), and delivery estimate of Saturday 17th (despite having Amazon Prime???).

    I did go and check, just in case, but it is defo the paperback...had me thinking there for a sec

    One thing I did notice when I just went to check, is that they now have the Kindle edition listed as available for pre-order (which I have done, of course!) and released on the 15th.

    I'm sure that wasn't there last time I looked a week or so ago, and it is only £8.99, so a nice e-bargain to be had with instant delivery to my iPad...that should make up for my "late" paperback dispatch


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