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Moderators: Da Boss

2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: Team battle

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  • Re: Team battle

    Good to get a clearer picture of how the team battles are going to work. I specially like the idea of having support and attack heroes. I suppose this will allow for healing careers to stay out of the line of fire while they heal and buff the other hero?

    The overview you gave has left me confused about speed abilities. If both heroes are choosing to attack can they both use speed abilities? If they both had knockdown for instance could they remove both dice from play? Also if only one hero is attacking can both heroes use speed abilities still?

    I assume all this will be made clear when we see the full rules. Can't wait!

  • Re: Team battle

    If both heroes choose to attack then, yes, they can both use speed abilities. If they were both to use an ability like knockdown, then they would essentially eliminate the opponent from rolling any speed dice. (That would use up two abilities though, remember!)

    If a hero is in a supporting role, they cannot use any speed or combat abilities - only modifier abilities.

  • Re: Team battle

    Speed-wise, that round sounds like a fairly normal round. But, instead of only 2, you can have 3 rolls. Each hero would apply speed skills to himself only. And then whoever has the highest speed roll (hero1, hero2, opponent) is the one who attacks. So, you actually have a better chance of hitting with 2 heroes.

    As for modifiers. Am I right to say that the support hero can only use modifier skills? I wouldn't be able to use a speed skill on the hero attacking?

    Edit: my question is null and void. I had the page open for a while and missed that Da Boss answered. Scratch that.

  • Re: Team battle

    Yep, combat runs very similar to normal combat - you just have an extra hero and their abilities to juggle.

    Having said that, each Team Battle encounter is different. So, the combat phase may differ a little depending on the foe you are fighting.

  • Re: Team battle

    Did I read it correctly that passives stack? Wow a pair of rogues are going to do some sick damage:bleed, venom, disease, barbs, thorns, fire auras. About 14-16 damage a round!

  • Re: Team battle

    Round 1: 2 Heroes attack. 1 hits.
    Round 2: Other hero attacks, hits.
    Round 3: Death of enemy due to massive passive damage.

    Sounds good to me

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