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Topic: Non-UK availability?

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  • Non-UK availability?

    I've been looking for the hardcover edition of The Legion of Shadow available from Canadian sites, but haven't had any luck so far. On it says that the hardcover copy isn't available, while the soft cover is. seems to have conflicting information: it claims the soft cover is not available yet, but the hardcover is. Do you know what is going on? Also I have giftcards for Chapters and so would prefer to buy it from there. Do you have any info on the availability outside the UK?

  • Re: Non-UK availability?

    The way I got it (I'm in the US) was to order it from The Book Depository (link on the Buy page). They have free shipping worldwide. Not sure if you can still get the hardcover or not.

  • Re: Non-UK availability?

    Hi Jake

    I'm not really clear on the issues surrounding availability overseas. It seems that the hardcover is now in short supply (The Book Depository and a couple of other online retailers no longer have it for sale.) There shouldn't be problems with getting hold of the paperback though, so confuses me a bit!

    Like Rithe advises, I would go down the route of using The Book Depository (if you are happy to settle for the paperback). Alternatively, if you want a hardback, then you could check out Goldsboro Books. They still have signed hardbacks and you also get all four of the limited edition bookmarks. I'm not sure what they charge in terms of shipping, so might be pricey.

    All links are on my Buy page

  • Re: Non-UK availability?

    So is the amazon Canada page here that says it will ship in 1-3 weeks a lie?
    I'd like to know before I place the order, because I did tried to buy with Chapters, when they claimed that I could preorder The Legion of Shadow with them, but then I never got anything from them and they since said that it was unavailable.
    I would like a hardcover; there are few hardcover gamebooks out there, and they look so beautiful on my gamebook shelf. Also they endure much better too.

  • Re: Non-UK availability?

    Hi Jake

    I would be a bit suspicious of stating it can get the hardback. Personally, if you want to guarantee a copy, then I would suggest ordering from Goldsboro Books. You get a signed and numbered edition, complete with the four collectible bookmarks:

    If you're concerned about shipping cost, then you could always drop them an email to see what it would be. I've met the store owners and they are lovely people - and used to shipping all over the world. The book also comes in a protective plastic sleeve, so it's very robust!

    You could try Amazon but I think it would be a gamble.

    Hope you manage to get a copy sorted!


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