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Topic: New Player in TX

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  • New Player in TX

    Greetings! Like a lot of you I remember playing some gamebooks as a youngster, but hadn't seen (or thought) about them for many years. A couple years ago I caught wind of Project Aon and it got me back into Gamebooks with the Lone Wolf series. Then I got an Ipad where I have played the Fighting Fantasy conversions (not so great app), Fabled Lands (so-so app) and the Gamebook Adventures series (Really great apps).

    So when I heard about this real honest-to-god new published gamebook I ordered it right away.

    What is up with availability in North America? Lots of gamebook fans here too! It took a month to get to me. It was worth the wait though.

    I'm having a blast so far, though I am still in Act I. I've died several times and I really like the save-your-spot and come back later approach your book takes. Sitting on my desk with my dice, character sheet, and gamebook really takes me back.

    Good luck on the next in the series, I'll be playing eagerly in the meantime.

  • Re: New Player in TX

    Hi, welcome to the forums and sorry your book took so long in transit. Glad it has, so far, proved worth the wait!

    Yes, I'm not clear myself why a US publisher hasn't snapped it up yet, at the moment it is only being published in the UK (with France and Spanish versions coming soon). Perhaps you should petition some US publishers and get them to see sense ;)

    I agree totally, I would have thought the market in the US was huge (well, I know it is from my web traffic and the interest I have had from fans/gamers), but hey I guess gamebooks are still risky properties these days.

  • Re: New Player in TX

    "France and Spanish versions coming soon". Can you explain anything more?

    I´m from Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)and the Special Edition from Goldsboro took three weeks to arrive... so one month too cross the ocean seems me a good average.

    Uileat, enjoy the book. I´m a fan of Lone Wolf Series too but Destiny Quest is totally revolutionary, a new step in gamebooks...

  • Re: New Player in TX

    Hi Kurgan.

    Bragelonne have bought French translation rights and Mundos Epicos have bought Spanish translation rights. I have no idea at this time when the books will be released but I am imagining towards the end of next year. If I get any further information, I'll let you know.

    Oh, and thanks for the kind words re: DestinyQuest

  • Re: New Player in TX

    Thanks for the info. I´ve contacted Mundos Epicos (Epic Worlds is the most accurate translation) to wish them. Good news for the non-english readers from Spain and France.

  • Re: New Player in TX

    Good news for the spanish fans. The spanish translation of DestinyQuest: The Legion of Shadow (Hard Cover Gollancz Edition) will be available in september. Thanks Mundos Épicos for the work!

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