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Topic: DestinyQuest book signings

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  • DestinyQuest book signings

    Currently confirmed book signings for 'The Legion of Shadow' special edition. (Note: I will be giving away loot cards and bookmarks at these events.)

    30 June Waterstones Nottingham (Bridlesmith Gate) – 11am to 4pm

    7 July Waterstones Doncaster (27 Frenchgate Centre) – 11am to 4pm

    21 July Waterstones Leicester (Market Street) – 11am to 4pm

    11 August Waterstones Chesterfield (Vicar Lane) – 11am to 4pm

    19 August Waterstones Derby (St. Peters) - CANCELLED

    25 August Waterstones Sheffield (Meadow Hall) - 11am to 4pm

    8 September Waterstones Derby (St. Peters) - 11am to 4pm

    Keep checking back for updates/new events

  • Re: DestinyQuest book signings

    Hopefully you will do one up Scotland. I would definately jump on a bus and come down. Something to keep in mind. Would be brilliant.

  • Re: DestinyQuest book signings

    Hey Jappy.

    Yes I'd like to, probably more likely to happen with Book Two, The Heart of Fire. Sadly, the days of publishers funding signing events is long gone, so authors have to pay the travel costs/accommodation out of their own pockets - (well, unless you're a big shot celeb) so I'm sure you'll appreciate Scotland is bit of bigger ask for me financially. But, don't rule it out yet. I'd love to come and sign books for Scottish fans.

    I guess I better get some more lottery tickets... ;)

  • Re: DestinyQuest book signings

    That would be awesome. If a Scottish signing isn't possible I will be heading down south for a signing for the next book. As long as I have more than a weeks notice I will be getting it off work and coming down. I must say I was overjoyed when I picked up the first book. I was looking through the fantasy section in waterstones for a new read. And saw Destiny Quest. Went straight back to work and started reading. Absolutely brilliant. I was a big fan of the Fighting Fantasy series. But this just blew me away. I was glued to it in all my free time. Absolutely brilliant. I am eagerly awaiting book 2. Keep up the good work. I'll be buying every book from now on. And have already bought a second copy to give to my uncle as a present since he got me into Fighting Fantasy many years ago,

  • Re: DestinyQuest book signings

    Wow, thank you - very kind words that have put a big smile on my face.

    Really glad you have enjoyed the first book and I hope your uncle likes it too. Don't forget to pop a review on Amazon and share your views, the more praise the merrier in boosting sales!

    And yes, I'll keep updating the site with news on signings. At the moment I'm aiming to get a few more signings for Book One, but then I'll start focusing on Book Two.

  • Re: DestinyQuest book signings

    Hopefully I can make it to a signing for book 1 before you move on to the signings for book 2.
    My uncle got the book off me yesterday and is excited to play it.

    I shall write a review later tonight hopefully, if I don't get round to it I will be doing it sometime this week.

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