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Moderators: Da Boss

2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: DestinyQuest competition

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  • Re: DestinyQuest competition

    I believe the competition is over, but DaBoss will have to verify that. I just got mine the other day, and they are slick.

    I wouldn't be surprised if there were other opportunities for obtaining them.

  • Re: DestinyQuest competition

    Yes, I got my two bookmarks the other day too (Vampire's Bite & Book of the Dead), and they are so cool I was going to order a 2nd book to get the other set.

    Maybe Michael can confirm whether or not this is possible?


  • Re: DestinyQuest competition

    Hi Kevin

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Yes, sadly the competition is now closed. At this point I´m not sure what the opportunities will be for getting hold of the bookmarks in the future, but rest assured that there will be ´some way´of getting them.

    In terms of the near future, I´ll be giving them away at my signing events, if that helps. (I´ll be posting details on locations and dates in the next couple of weeks).

    Hope that helps, and glad you like the bookmarks. They are pretty cool, I agree!


  • Re: DestinyQuest competition

    Thanks for getting back to me Michael...I knew I should have ordered two copies right at the start!!

    What are the chances that you might pop into Scotland for one of your signings?

    Also, speaking of signings, any chance there might be some signed copies of the Hardback edition available to purchase? Maybe you could put some up for sale on Amazon as a Marketplace seller?

    You could just simply add them to the current Amazon listing, but list them under "Collectable" (maybe with one or two Bookmarks thrown in too, to add to the collectability ), and they will just run alongside the regular Amazon sales, and be purchasable from that page.

    Probably a lot easier than listing them on Ebay.

    Good luck with the sales,


  • Re: DestinyQuest competition

    I pre-ordered my book on April 26th and emailed inquiring about bookmarks. Reading this thread, it looks like I missed out by about a month. Oh well. Still looking forward to receiving the book!

  • Re: DestinyQuest competition

    Hi Talarius

    Welcome to the forums!

    I´ve just been catching up on emails so you should now have had a response. The competition ran from 21 March to 9 April, so any entries after that date have sadly not been entered. However, I promise there will be future opportunities to win/obtain bookmarks.

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