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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Death is not the end...?

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  • Re: Death is not the end...?

    Except that death not effecting your character is part of the plot... Although, I do see it from the quest side of things. It would make some sense that you couldn't finish a quest after a few times. How many times will the Big Bad Wolf appear, and still be healthy. Or will things really remain the same?

    Of course, this is written as an MMO in book form, so it does make some sense in that aspect.

  • Re: Death is not the end...?

    I also have to say that i was shocked about the no death system first. I played nearly all FF, and some other series. I thought that this system was only made to ensure that the dumb average person can win the game and the books sales are higher - like may great strategic or rpg titles have become worser and worser in order to make them playeble for the most stupid people.

    After i played the whole book, i agree, that this system is really great. Especially because there is at least one hard enemy for every character setup.
    Further more the book is several times longer than any other gamebook. Someone who dies for example in the mid of act 3 will most likely "cheat" if theres a "NO DEATH" system.

  • Re: Death is not the end...?

    For me it all comes down to what is fun for you? I'm perfectly fine with the author's intentions and game design. However, for me personally, being able to go right back to where you left off removes all of the tension in the battles.

    Again, this is not to say any particular method is right or wrong. I mean, how you play does not affect anyone else or their enjoyment of the book in any way.

    I just recently started playing/reading this great book and have died several times in what some of you here describe as "hardcore" mode. I might have to do as some others have done and chronicle this in the spoiler section. Could be fun to keep track of all the deaths.

    Bottom line - great book. Have fun.

  • Re: Death is not the end...?

    i must admit
    i dont see it as dyeing
    just losing a fight
    so you can go staight back in to it
    and try it a different way

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